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Anything above a 800 (it's on a 200-990-point scale) seems pretty good. It appears that quality single-volume preparation materials cannot be had at any price. Perhaps one ought be written?
Anything above a 800 (it's on a 200-~900-point (the top end changes from year to year, wtf) scale) seems pretty good. It appears that quality single-volume preparation materials cannot be had at any price. Perhaps one ought be written?
* '''We took the exam 2009-10-10. I got a 960 (top 1%). I don't see myself updating this page much further.''' ([[User:Dank|Dank]] 02:53, 12 November 2009 (UTC))
* [ ETS Practice Booklet (PDF)], from the [ Computer Science Exam] page
* [ ETS Practice Booklet (PDF)], from the [ Computer Science Exam] page
(This second link is pretty dubiously-formed; YMMV. Go to the GRE page, click on Subject Info details, click on Computer Science [[User:Dank|Dank]] 14:58, 30 July 2009 (UTC))
(This second link is pretty dubiously-formed; YMMV. Go to the GRE page, click on Subject Info details, click on Computer Science ''--[[User:Dank|Dank]] 14:58, 30 July 2009 (UTC)'')
* [ UCB notes] from 2001
* [ UCB notes] from 2001
* [ GT notes] from 2006
* [ GT notes] from 2006
* [ 100 shareware CS GRE-like problems] from Christopher Scaffidi
==Books we're using for general preparation==
* Software Systems and Methodology
**'''CTMCP''': Peter Van Roy and Seif Haridi, ''[ Concepts, Techniques, and Models of Computer Programming]''. First edition, fourth printing.
**'''SICP''': Harold Abelson and Gerald Jay Sussman, ''[ Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs]''. Second edition, first printing, and [ online version].
* Computer Organization and Architecture
**'''H&P2, H&P4''': John Hennessy and David Patterson, ''[ Computer Architecture: A Quantitative Approach]''. Second and fourth editions (first printing each).
**'''WARD''': Stephen Ward and Robert Halstead, ''[ Computation Structures]''. First edition, first printing.
* Theory and Mathematical Background
**'''CLR''': Thomas Cormen, Charles Leiserson and Ron Rivest, ''[ Introduction to Algorithms]''. First edition, 19th printing.
**'''SIPSER''': Michael Sipser, ''[ Introduction to the Theory of Computation]''. First edition, first printing.
**'''KNUTH2''': Donald Knuth, ''[ The Art of Computer Programming, Vol. 2: Seminumerical Algorithms]''. Third edition, first printing.
Further texts are listed in the applicable sections below.
==Online courseware==
* The [ Stanford Engineering Everywhere] project at the Stanford School of Engineering
* MIT's [ OpenCourseware] project at the Open Courseware Consortium
==Subject Material==
==Subject Material==
This was taken from the ETS CS GRE page, 2009-07-30 1500 UTC.
Outline taken from the ETS CS GRE page (2009-07-30 1500 UTC)
{| border="1" width="100%"
* Data organization
** Data types
! align="left"|<small>''Area vocabulary listings follow each area in small, italicized, bolded text''</small>
** Data structures and implementation techniques
! References and Supplements
* Program control and structure
** Iteration and recursion
** Procedures, functions, methods, and exception handlers
** Concurrency, communication, and synchronization
|colspan=2|'''Data Organization'''
* Programming languages and notation
** Constructs for data organization and program control
| Data types
** Scope, binding, and parameter passing
** Expression evaluation
* Software engineering
| Data structures and implementation techniques
** Formal specifications and assertions
** Verification techniques
** Software development models, patterns, and tools
|colspan=2|'''Program control and structure'''
* Systems
** Compilers, interpreters, and run-time systems
|Iteration and recursion
** Operating systems, including resource management and protection/security
** Networking, Internet, and distributed systems
** Databases
|Procedures, functions, methods, and exception handlers
** System analysis and development tools
* Digital logic design
|Concurrency, communication, and synchronization
** Implementation of combinational and sequential circuits
** Optimization and analysis
* Processors and control units
|colspan=2|'''[[Programming Language Theory|Programming languages]] and notation'''
** Instruction sets
** Computer arithmetic and number representation
|Constructs for data organization and program control
** Register and ALU organization
** Data paths and control sequencing
* Memories and their hierarchies
|Scope, binding, and parameter passing
** Performance, implementation, and management
** Cache, main, and secondary storage
** Virtual memory, paging, and segmentation
|Expression evaluation
* Networking and communications
** Interconnect structures (e.g., buses, switches, routers)
** I/O systems and protocols
|colspan=2|'''Software engineering'''
** Synchronization
* High-performance architectures
|Formal specifications and assertions
** Pipelining superscalar and out-of-order execution processors
*Dijkstra: ''[ A Discipline of Programming]''
** Parallel and distributed architectures
|Verification techniques
* Algorithms and complexity
*Berg, Boebert, Franta, Moher: ''[ Formal Methods of Program Verification and Specification]''
** Exact and asymptotic analysis of specific algorithms
** Algorithmic design techniques (e.g. greedy, dynamic programming, divide and conquer)
** Upper and lower bounds on the complexity of specific problems
|Software development models, patterns, and tools
** Computational complexity, including NP-completeness
* Automata and language theory
** Models of computation (finite automata, Turing machines)
** Formal languages and grammars (regular and context free)
** Decidability
|[[Compiler Design|Compilers]], interpreters, and run-time systems
* Discrete structures
*Muchnick: ''[ Advanced Compiler Design and Implementation]''
** Mathematical logic
*Allen, Kennedy: ''[ Optimizing Compilers for Modern Architectures]''
** Elementary combinatorics and graph theory
** Discrete probability, recurrence relations, and number theory
|Operating systems, including resource management and protection/security
Example areas include numerical analysis, artificial intelligence, computer graphics, cryptography, security, and social issues.
|Networking, Internet, and distributed systems
*Leon-Garcia, Widjaja: ''[ Communication Networks]''
|System analysis and development tools
|colspan=2|'''COMPUTER ORGANIZATION AND [[Architecture|ARCHITECTURE]] - 15%'''
|colspan=2| '''Digital logic design'''
| Implementation of combinational and sequential circuits
| Optimization and analysis
|colspan=2| '''Processors and control units'''
| Instruction sets <small>'''''general- vs special-purpose registers, condition word, load-store vs register-memory architectures, addressing alignment, register vs immediate vs displacement vs indexed etc addressing, instruction sizes, control flow instructions, opcode expansion, reduced vs complex sets'''''</small>
| '''H&P4''' 1.3, Appx B, Appx J
| Computer arithmetic and number representation <small>'''''signed magnitude, one's complement, signed zeros, two's complement, binary coded decimal, IEEE 754, biased representation, denormalization, positive and negative infinity, NaN, nearest rounding, directed rounding, overflow, underflow, carry indicator, arbitrary precision'''''</small>
| '''H&P4''' Appx I
| Register and ALU organization
| '''H&P4''' Appx F (Vector processors)
| Data paths and control sequencing
|colspan=2| '''[[Architecture#Memory_Hierarchies|Memories and their hierarchies]]'''
| Performance, implementation, and management
| Cache, main, and secondary storage
| '''H&P4''' Chapter 5.2, Appx C.1-3
| Virtual memory, paging, and segmentation
| '''H&P4''' Chapter 5, Appx C.4
|colspan=2| '''Networking and communications'''
| Interconnect structures (e.g., buses, switches, routers)
| '''H&P4''' Appx E
| I/O systems and protocols
| '''H&P4''' Chapter 6
| Synchronization
|colspan=2| '''High-performance architectures'''
| Pipelining superscalar and out-of-order execution processors
| '''H&P4''' Appx A
| Parallel and distributed architectures
|'''H&P4''' Chapter 4
|colspan=2|'''[[Theory|THEORY]] AND MATHEMATICAL BACKGROUND - 40%'''
|colspan=2| '''Algorithms and complexity'''
| Exact and asymptotic analysis of specific algorithms <small>'''''Big-O (<math>O(f())</math>), Big-Theta (<math>\Theta(f())</math>), Big-Omega (<math>\Omega(f())</math>), Little-O (<math>o(f()))</math>), Little-Omega (<math>\omega(f())</math>)'''''</small>
| [ Asymptotic Notation and Recurrences]  lecture from MIT's [ 6.046J]
| Algorithmic design techniques (e.g. greedy, dynamic programming, divide and conquer)
| [ Divide+Conquer], [ Dynamic Programming] and [ Greedy algorithm] lectures from MIT's [ 6.046J]
| Upper and lower bounds on the complexity of specific problems
| Computational complexity, including NP-completeness
* Garey and Johnson, ''[ Computers and Intractability: A Guide to the Theory of NP-Completeness]''
| '''SIPSER''' 7, 8
|colspan=2| '''[[Automata]] and [[Theory#Formal_Languages|language theory]]'''
| Models of computation (finite automata, Turing machines)
* Hopcroft and Ullman, ''[ Introduction to Automata Theory, Languages and Computation]''
| '''SIPSER''' 1, 3
| Formal languages and grammars (regular and context free)
* Gurari, ''[ An Introduction to the Theory of Computation]''
| '''SIPSER''' 2
| Decidability
| '''SIPSER''' 4, 5, 6.2, 6.3
|colspan=2| '''Discrete structures'''
| Mathematical logic
| Elementary combinatorics and graph theory <small>'''''connected, connectivity, directed (digraph), eccentricity, circumference, acyclic, path, weighted, subgraph, expander, hypergraph, multigraph, tournament, complete (<math>K_n</math>), scorpion, set cover, vertex cover'''''</small>
| Discrete probability, recurrence relations, and number theory
|colspan=2|'''OTHER TOPICS - 5%''' "Example areas include..."
|Numerical analysis
|Artificial intelligence
|Computer graphics
|...and social issues.
[[Category: CS GRE Prep]]

Latest revision as of 11:39, 11 February 2025

Anything above a 800 (it's on a 200-~900-point (the top end changes from year to year, wtf) scale) seems pretty good. It appears that quality single-volume preparation materials cannot be had at any price. Perhaps one ought be written?

(This second link is pretty dubiously-formed; YMMV. Go to the GRE page, click on Subject Info details, click on Computer Science --Dank 14:58, 30 July 2009 (UTC))

Books we're using for general preparation

Further texts are listed in the applicable sections below.

Online courseware

Subject Material

Outline taken from the ETS CS GRE page (2009-07-30 1500 UTC)

Area vocabulary listings follow each area in small, italicized, bolded text References and Supplements
Data Organization
Data types
Data structures and implementation techniques
Program control and structure
Iteration and recursion
Procedures, functions, methods, and exception handlers
Concurrency, communication, and synchronization
Programming languages and notation
Constructs for data organization and program control
Scope, binding, and parameter passing
Expression evaluation
Software engineering
Formal specifications and assertions
Verification techniques
Software development models, patterns, and tools
Compilers, interpreters, and run-time systems
Operating systems, including resource management and protection/security
Networking, Internet, and distributed systems
System analysis and development tools
Digital logic design
Implementation of combinational and sequential circuits
Optimization and analysis
Processors and control units
Instruction sets general- vs special-purpose registers, condition word, load-store vs register-memory architectures, addressing alignment, register vs immediate vs displacement vs indexed etc addressing, instruction sizes, control flow instructions, opcode expansion, reduced vs complex sets H&P4 1.3, Appx B, Appx J
Computer arithmetic and number representation signed magnitude, one's complement, signed zeros, two's complement, binary coded decimal, IEEE 754, biased representation, denormalization, positive and negative infinity, NaN, nearest rounding, directed rounding, overflow, underflow, carry indicator, arbitrary precision H&P4 Appx I
Register and ALU organization H&P4 Appx F (Vector processors)
Data paths and control sequencing
Memories and their hierarchies
Performance, implementation, and management
Cache, main, and secondary storage H&P4 Chapter 5.2, Appx C.1-3
Virtual memory, paging, and segmentation H&P4 Chapter 5, Appx C.4
Networking and communications
Interconnect structures (e.g., buses, switches, routers) H&P4 Appx E
I/O systems and protocols H&P4 Chapter 6
High-performance architectures
Pipelining superscalar and out-of-order execution processors H&P4 Appx A
Parallel and distributed architectures H&P4 Chapter 4
Algorithms and complexity
Exact and asymptotic analysis of specific algorithms Big-O (<math>O(f())</math>), Big-Theta (<math>\Theta(f())</math>), Big-Omega (<math>\Omega(f())</math>), Little-O (<math>o(f()))</math>), Little-Omega (<math>\omega(f())</math>) Asymptotic Notation and Recurrences lecture from MIT's 6.046J
Algorithmic design techniques (e.g. greedy, dynamic programming, divide and conquer) Divide+Conquer, Dynamic Programming and Greedy algorithm lectures from MIT's 6.046J
Upper and lower bounds on the complexity of specific problems
Computational complexity, including NP-completeness SIPSER 7, 8
Automata and language theory
Models of computation (finite automata, Turing machines) SIPSER 1, 3
Formal languages and grammars (regular and context free) SIPSER 2
Decidability SIPSER 4, 5, 6.2, 6.3
Discrete structures
Mathematical logic
Elementary combinatorics and graph theory connected, connectivity, directed (digraph), eccentricity, circumference, acyclic, path, weighted, subgraph, expander, hypergraph, multigraph, tournament, complete (<math>K_n</math>), scorpion, set cover, vertex cover
Discrete probability, recurrence relations, and number theory
OTHER TOPICS - 5% "Example areas include..."
Numerical analysis
Artificial intelligence
Computer graphics
...and social issues.