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Sage advice
"sage advice"
I was in the bathroom of a deli standing at the urinal reading the trap... what I mean is there is a plastic cover over the urinal drain to keep out - I don't know napkins or hamburger buns or something and this one had a message on it it is weird enough to be a company that makes urinal traps but to print your name and phone number on them I don't understand that if I was in need of a urinal trap I would look in the phonebook or on the internet I would not think, "what was that number I was pissing on last week..." but there I was pissing on the name of the fine company that protects California's urinal drains I almost felt sorry for them but this trap wasn't satisfied to advertise only itself it also had an important message for me: just say no to drugs I found that somewhat odd advice to be getting from a deli toilet but what do I know it may be a terribly effective anti-narcotic tool of course if you are at a place in your life where you are making decisions based on the messages you get from toilets you may have bigger problems than just the drugs you are taking if it hadn't been well a urinal trap I would have stolen it and propped it up on my window sill mainly to have proof of its existence but also to remind me to stay away from the kind of drugs that urinal trap makers seem to be taking
I originally read this on the livejournal of ona-k (I then spent five years wondering where I'd seen it, until Rebecca Bowen used ninja-like websearch skills of localization). ona-k cited it only via a URL which no longer contains the text. If you know the author, please mail me at