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From dankwiki
- IEEE 802.1D-1990 STP (Spanning Tree Protocol) for ensuring loop-free topology on Ethernet networks containing bridges
- IEEE 802.1D-2004 RSTP (Rapid Spanning Tree Protocol), a more rapidly converging STP. Obsoletes 802.1D-1990's STP.
- IEEE 802.1Q-2005 VLAN tagging, for division of an Ethernet network among logical segments or spanning an Ethernet across L3 routing, and
- MVRP (Multiple VLAN Registration Protocol), for negotiating VLAN parameters among Ethernet bridges.
- IEEE 802.1ad/802.1QInQ-2007 VLAN stacking, for encapsulating VLANs within VLANs.
- IEEE 802.11-2007 WLAN (Wireless LAN) using the 2.4, 3.6 and 5GHz frequency bands
- IEEE 802.11u-2011 WLAN Interworking with External Networks provides common high level inter-WLAN concepts
- IEEE 802.21-2009 MIHS (Media Independent Handover Services addresses handover between heterogeneous physical WLANs
- Addresses 802.3 (Ethernet), 802.11, 802.15, 802.16, 3GPP, 3GPP2...
- RFC 5771 IPv4 Multicast Address Assignments (2010-03) (obsoletes RFC 3171, RFC 3138, and updates RFC 2780)
- RFC 2131 Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (1997-03) (obsoletes RFC 1541)
- FIPS 140-2 Security Requirements for Cryptographic Modules, specifies the Cryptographic Module Validation Program (CMVP)