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From dankwiki
ROS is a software platform for robotics.
- Topic: a named bus on which messages of a single type are published
rostopic list
will list active topics on a running rosmaster
- Parameter: a key in the global configuration dictionary
- XMLRPC data types
- Package: defined by a directory containing a file package.xml (REP-0127)
- msg/MyMessageType.msg defines messages for the package, published to topics
- srv/MyServiceType.srv defines services for the package, supporting request/reply semantics
- Node: a named process that performs computation
- A running node has a type and a graph resource name
- A node is typically launched standalone using rosrun
- Master: implemented by the rosmaster package, usually started via
Names aka graph resource names are unique for each topic, parameter, node, and service in the ros graph. It is a shared namespace; a topic cannot share a name with a node. The ROS_NAMESPACE environment variable can be used to scope the ros graph namespace. Names can be:
- relative,
- /global, and
- ~private (the node's name replaces the tilde)
Names can furthermore be remapped when a node is started by e.g. rosrun.