Check out my first novel, midnight's simulacra!
From dankwiki
It's the bees' knees. It's the wasps' nipples (though as of 2019, I have actually started using Arch).
- Things I do to a new Unstable (sid) box
- Packages by Purpose
- My resolution this year is to file bugs in the DBTS more quickly and more often. Well, it isn't really, but I ought do so. Bugs filed thus far, and their resolutions:
- #926743, fetchmail can't find invoke-rc.d (provided patch)
- #925443, dovecot-core refers to deprecated /var/run (provided patch)
- #924585, memcached refers to deprecated /var/run (provided patch)
- #924584, memcached new version 1.5.12 available
- #920308, compiz-core test is inverted in compiz-decorator (provided patch, resolved)
- #917581, nlohmann-json3 new version 3.4.0 available (resolved)
- #904587, libconfig-dev missing CMake support
- #845066, libmsgpack-dev new 2.0.0 available (resolved)
- #839767, ncmpcpp needs rebuild against new libtag (resolved)
- #801657, libdevmapper-dev don't expose librt dep (resolved)
- #801430, aptitude segfault on dependency loop (resolved)
- #469601, nut-hal-drivers locks up on post-install
- #469937, statsvn has problems with filenames containing spaces (fixed upstream, resolved)
- #471111, mpd isn't shut down properly
- #509499, strace doesn't match sendfile(2) properly (provided patch, resolved)
- #530154, bugz doesn't provide a man page
- #533360, libc6 2.9-15 broke signalfd creation with SFD_* flags (resolved)
- #533362, ia32-libs uninstallable against libc6 2.9-15 (resolved)
- #552260, kernel-package with install_vmlinux set + grub2 == unbootable entries
- #553298, libcpuset drops core if an empty cgroup/cpuset fs is mounted
- #554901, eglibc is missing const casts in CPU_ISSET() (provided patch, resolved)
- I'd also like to become a Debian Developer. ITP ideas:
- the sshfp program, maintained by Xelerance
- Florian Amrhein's newsportal NNTP-to-HTTP gateway
- Rice University's HPCToolkit
- HP+MIT's DynamoRIO
- Omphalos
- Pick up orphaned OProfile