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The VITA Radio Transport standards encapsulate RF data. It emphasizes precise timestamps and rich signal information, and seeks to be a common means of moving custom analog IC logic into COTS digital networks--a kind of virtual SDR
- Context packet -- describes properties of the radio components and antenna
- DDC: tuning, bandwidth
- ADC: sample rate, triggering
- RF tuner: bandwidth, gain, phase lock
- Antenna: azimuth, angle, polarization, location, altitude, speed, heading
- Signal packet -- IF/digitized RF/baseband data, ID, timestamp, spectral survey
- supplied by the DDC
- VRT information stream combines Context and Signal packets
- Configuration remained ad hoc in VITA 49, added in VITA 49.2 as Control Packets
- Uses same fields as Context packets
- ACKed by controlled devices
- Can be used to interrogate device properties on demand
- Can program simple loops and event triggers
- Very similar to CAN in these regards
Context descriptors
- 1-D Pointing Angle, ADC Sample Rate, Bandwidth, Frequency, GPS Coordinates, Velocity Vector,
Power or Gain Settings, Reference Point, Timestamp, System Latency, 2-D Pointing Angle, Antenna Beamwidth, Noise Figure, Phase, Polarization, Relative Time Stamp, Scan Control, SNR, Waveform Type
- Signal packets containing waveform and time schedule