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Revision as of 11:52, 26 January 2010 by Dank (talk | contribs) (Created page with '==SVG== * graphviz tools generate svg via -Tsvg * [ notugly] is some XSL to beautify dot's SVG output ==Examples== ===Packed Record=== <pre>...')
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  • graphviz tools generate svg via -Tsvg
  • notugly is some XSL to beautify dot's SVG output


Packed Record

digraph G {
	subgraph clusterOpteron {
		label="Quad-Core Opteron"
		node [shape=record];
		struct3 [label="{ {C0|C1|C2|C3}|{L1/L2|L1/L2|L1/L2|L1/L2}|SRI (SysReq Interface)|<xbar>XBAR (Crossbar Switch)|{MCH|ncHT-HB|HT0|HT1}}"]; 

Rectilinear arrangement A

digraph G {
	subgraph clusterOpteronNUMA {
		label = "2x 'Deneb' Phenom II X4 910 (45nm, AM3). 8 threads."
		Deneb0->Deneb1 [dir="both" label="2GHz 16-bit bidir\n8GB/s HyperTransport 3.0" color="blue"]
		DDR0 -> Deneb0 [dir="both" color="lightblue"]
		DDR1 -> Deneb1 [dir="both" color="lightblue"]
		HostBus -> Deneb0 [dir="both" color="darkgreen"]
		HostBus -> Deneb1 [dir="both" color="darkgreen"]
		{ rank=same; Deneb0 Deneb1 }
		{ rank=same; DDR0 DDR1 }
		Deneb0 [style=filled fillcolor=steelblue shape=box]
		Deneb1 [style=filled fillcolor=steelblue shape=box]
		DDR0 [style=filled fillcolor=grey shape=invhouse]
		DDR1 [style=filled fillcolor=grey shape=invhouse]
		HostBus [style=filled fillcolor=green shape=Msquare]

Rectilinear arrangement B

digraph G {
	subgraph clusterNehalemSMP {
		DDR0 -> Nehalem0 [dir="both" color="lightblue"]
		DDR0 -> Nehalem1 [dir="both" color="lightblue"]
		Nehalem0->Nehalem1 [dir="both" label="25.6GB/s QuickPath" color="blue"]
		subgraph clusterNehalemSMP0 {
			label="DRAM may or may not be shared.";
			{ rank=same; DDR0 }
			{ rank=same; Nehalem0 Nehalem1 }
		Nehalem2->Nehalem3 [dir="both" label="25.6GB/s QuickPath" color="blue"]
		Nehalem2 -> DDR1 [dir="both" color="lightblue"]
		Nehalem3 -> DDR1 [dir="both" color="lightblue"]
		subgraph clusterNehalemSMP1 {
			label="Each package gets its own MCH and L3 cache,\neach core its own (split) L1 and (unified) L2.";
			{ rank=same; Nehalem2 Nehalem3 }
			{ rank=same; DDR1 }
		label = "4x 'Nehalem-EP' E5520 HT Core i7 (45nm LGA1336). 32 threads."
		Nehalem1->Nehalem2 [dir="both" color="blue"]
		Nehalem3->Nehalem0 [dir="both" color="blue"]
		Nehalem0->HostBus [dir="both" color="darkgreen"]
		Nehalem1->HostBus [dir="both" color="darkgreen"]
		HostBus->Nehalem2 [dir="both" color="darkgreen"]
		HostBus->Nehalem3 [dir="both" color="darkgreen"]
		Nehalem0 [style=filled fillcolor=steelblue shape=box label="4x 2-way cores"]
		Nehalem1 [style=filled fillcolor=steelblue shape=box label="4x 2-way cores"]
		Nehalem2 [style=filled fillcolor=steelblue shape=box label="4x 2-way cores"]
		Nehalem3 [style=filled fillcolor=steelblue shape=box label="4x 2-way cores"]
		DDR0 [style=filled fillcolor=grey shape=invtrapezium]
		DDR1 [style=filled fillcolor=grey shape=trapezium]
		HostBus [style=filled fillcolor=green shape=Msquare]