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Fast UNIX Servers

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Everyone ought start with Dan Kegel's classic site, "The C10K Problem" (still updated from time to time). Jeff Darcy's "High-Performance Server Architecture" is much of the same. Everything here is advanced followup material to these excellent works, and of course the books of W. Richard Stevens.

Central Design Principles

  • Varghese's "Network Algorithmics: An Interdisciplinary Approach to Designing Fast Networked Devices" is in a league of its own in this regard.
  • Principle 1: Exploit all cycles/bandwidth. Avoid blocking I/O and unnecessary evictions of cache, but prefetch into cache where appropriate. Be prepared to exploit multiple processing elements. Properly align data and avoid cache-aliasing effects. Use jumbo frames in appropriate scenarios and proactively warn on network degradation (e.g., half-duplex Ethernet due to failed link negotiation).
  • Principle 2: Don't duplicate work. Avoid unnecessary copies, context switches, system calls and signals. Use double-buffering or calls like Linux's splice(2).
  • Principle 3: ...?

Queueing Theory

Event Cores

Edge and Level Triggering

  • Historic interfaces like POSIX.1g/POSIX.1-2001's select(2) and POSIX.1-2001's poll(2) were level-triggered
  • epoll (via EPOLLET) and kqueue (via EV_CLEAR) provide edge-triggered semantics
  • fixme a thorough comparison of these is sorely needed

A Garden of Interfaces

We all know doddering old read(2) and write(2) (which can't, by the way, be portably used with shared memory). But what about...

  • readv(2), writev(2) (FreeBSD's sendfile(2) has a struct iov handily attached)
  • splice(2), vmsplice(2) and tee(2) on Linux since version 2.6.17
    • (When the first page of results for your interface centers largely on exploits, might it be time to reconsider your design assumptions?)
  • sendfile(2) (with charmingly different interfaces on FreeBSD and Linux)
    • On Linux since 2.6.2x (FIXME get a link), sendfile(2) is implemented in terms of splice(2)
  • aio_ and friends for aysnchronous i/o
  • mmap(2) and an entire associated bag of tricks (FIXME detail)
    • most uses of mincore(2) and madvise(2) are questionable at best and useless at likely. FIXME defend
    • broad use of mlock(2) as a performance hack is not even really questionable FIXME defend
    • use of large pages is highly recommended for any large, non-sparse maps FIXME explain
    • mremap(2) and remap_file_pages(2) on Linux can be used effectively at times
    • There's nothing wrong with MAP_FIXED so long as you've already allocated the region before (see caveats...)

The Full Monty: A Theory of UNIX Servers

We must mix and match:

  • Many event sources, of multiple types and possibly various triggering mechanisms (edge- vs level-triggered):
    • Socket descriptors, pipes
    • File descriptors referring to actual files (these usually have different blocking semantics)
    • Signals, perhaps being used for asynchronous I/O with descriptors (signalfd(2) on Linux unifies these with socket descriptors; kqueue supports EVFILT_SIGNAL events)
    • Timers (timerfd(2) on Linux unifies these with socket descriptors; kqueue supports EVFILT_TIMER events)
    • Condition variables and/or mutexes becoming available
    • Filesystem events (inotify(7) on Linux, EVFILT_VNODE with kqueue)
    • Networking events (netlink(7) (PF_NETLINK) sockets on Linux, EVFILT_NETDEV with kqueue)
  • One or more event notifiers (epoll or kqueue fd)
  • One or more event vectors, into which notifiers dump events
    • kqueue supports vectorized registration of event changes, extending the issue
  • Threads -- one event notifier per? one shared event notifier with one event vector per? one shared event notifier feeding one shared event vector? work-stealing/handoff?
    • It is doubtful (but not, AFAIK, proven impossible) that one scheduling/sharing solution is optimal for all workloads

DoS Prevention or, Maximizing Useful Service

  • TCP SYN -- to Syncookie or nay? The "half-open session" isn't nearly as meaningful or important a concept on modern networking stacks as it was in 2000.
    • Long-fat-pipe options, fewer MSS values, etc...but recent work (in Linux, at least) has improved them (my gut feeling: nay)
  • Various attacks like slowloris, TCPPersist as written up in Phrack 0x0d-0x42-0x09, Outpost24 etc...
  • What are the winning feedbacks? fractals and queueing theory, oh my! fixme detail

See Also