Check out my first novel, midnight's simulacra!
Midnight's Simulacra
From dankwiki

My first novel released 2024-01-11! You probably want the book page.
fullpage black and white illustrations by Justin Barker
not all of these ended up being used.
warning: these arguably contain spoilers
jenseits von gut und böse (beyond good and evil)
mémoires d’outre-tombe (memoirs from beyond the grave)
the thirst for annihilation
the age of innocence
without MSG i am nothing
the yellow wallpaper
unfair arguments with existence
le rouge et le noir (the red and the black)
fanged noumena
their eyes were watching god
le sens du combat (the art of struggle)
el jardín de senderos que se bifurcan (the garden of forking paths)
to the lighthouse
war in the age of intelligent machines
auch zwerge haben klein angefangen (even dwarfs started small)
angle of repose
le dieu du carnage (god of carnage)
a mathematical theory of communication
the difference between me and you is that i am not on fire