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Amazon Web Services

From dankwiki
Revision as of 10:49, 22 January 2012 by Dank (talk | contribs) (Getting started)

AWS offers "fleets" of virtualized machines and various networking infrastructure atop them.

Getting started

  • There's a "Free Tier" for new customers, providing 5GB of space and 1 year of an EC2 "Micro" instance
    • A valid credit card and phone number are required
  • Download the command line tools (a Java package)


  • Go to the "Security Credentials" page and acquire your "Access ID" and "Access Key" (~40 byte hashes)
  • You can use the access key in three ways:
    • Fill in the template values in credential-file-path.template from the unpacked command line tools' directory, and export AWS_CREDENTIAL_FILE pointing to this file
    • Reference this same file via --aws-credential-file file as an argument to all commands
    • Provide --I ID --S Key as arguments to all commands
  • I add the following to .bashrc:
export PATH="$PATH:$AWS/bin"
export AWS_CREDENTIAL_FILE="$AWS/credential-file-path.template"
unset AWS