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Computer science eponyms
Computer science needs more eponyms, in the vein of Mordenkainen. Collect them all, and impress your friends! The vast majority of links below are stubs -- I might make a project one day of filling them all in, but I'd likely sell the result as a book.
- FIXME Tarjan has something like 20,004 algorithms, and all of them are outstanding
Explicitly not included in this list are: general logic (Peano and Presburger arithmetic), mathematical entities not primarily associated with computer science (Markov's inequality, Chapman-Kolmogorov equation, Young tableaux), physical theories to which computer science is merely applied (Navier-Stokes equations, Taylor-Couette flow), or statistical entities not primarily associated with computer science (Ziph's Law, Parmeto efficiency). Explicitly included are: terms from computer engineering (Mead-Conway Rules, Ling adders) and mathematical entities primarily associated with computer science.
UPDATE the threshold for inclusion is now: De Morgan's Laws. If you're not more computer sciency than De Morgan's Laws, you ain't gettin' in. Dank 12:25, 3 October 2011 (CDT)
- Aanderaa–Rosenberg Conjecture
- Adelson-Velskii-Landis Trees
- Aho-Corasick Algorithm
- Akra-Bazzi Method
- Amdahl's Law
- Andersen's Algorithm
- Backus-Naur Form
- Bajard-Kla-Muller algorithm
- Ball-Larus Heuristics
- Banerjee Inequality
- Barendregt convention
- Barendregt-Geuvers-Klop Conjecture
- Baskett, Chandy, Muntz and Palacios network
- Batcher's Odd-Even Merge
- Bell-La Padula model
- Bellman-Ford Algorithm
- Beneš network
- Bentley-Ottman Algorithm
- Berlekamp-Massey Algorithm
- Berman–Hartmanis conjecture
- Bernstein chaining
- Bernstein conditions
- Biba Integrity Model
- Blinn-Phong shading
- Blom's Scheme
- Bloom filter
- Bluestein's FFT
- Blum's axioms
- Blum's Speedup Theorem
- Blum-Blum-Shub random number generator
- Boehm-Demers-Weiser garbage collector
- Booth's Algorithm
- Borůvka's Algorithm
- Bowyer-Watson Algorithm
- Boyer-Moore Algorithm
- Bremermann's Limit
- Brent's Adder
- Brent's Algorithm
- Brent's Theorem
- Bresenham's Algorithm
- Brewer's Theorem
- Brodal Queue
- Broder's Method
- Bron-Kerbosch Algorithm
- Brooks-Iyengar Algorithm
- Buchberger Algorithm
- Burrows-Wheeler Transform
- Buzen's Algorithm
- Callahan-Koblenz algorithm
- Cannon's Algorithm
- Cantor-Zassenhaus Algorithm
- Carmack's Reverse
- Chaff Algorithm
- Chaitin's algorithm
- Chaitin's Constant
- Chaitin-Briggs algorithm
- Chaitin–Kolmogorov random numbers
- Chakravala's Algorithm
- Chan's Algorithm
- Chang-Roberts Algorithm
- Cheney's Algorithm
- Chew's Second Algorithm
- Chien search
- Chomsky Hierarchy
- Chomsky Normal Form
- Chomsky-Schützenberger theorem
- Christofides Algorithm
- Church-Rosser Theorem
- Church-Turing Thesis
- Clos network
- Cobham Axioms
- Cobham's thesis
- Cocke-Younger-Kasami Algorithm
- Cohen-Sutherland algorithm
- Commentz-Walter Algorithm
- Cook reduction
- Cook-Levin Theorem
- Cooley-Tukey Algorithm
- Coppersmith-Winograd Algorithm
- Craig, Landin and Hagersten lock
- Cranfield method
- Crusader’s Convergence Algorithm
- Dadda Multiplier
- Damerau-Levenshtein distance
- Damm Algorithm
- Davis-Putnam Algorithm
- Davis-Putnam-Logemann-Loveland Algorithm
- De Bruijn presentation
- De Bruijn string
- Dekker's Algorithm
- Delaunay's Triangulation
- Dennard Scaling
- Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange
- Dijkstra's Algorithm
- Dinic's Algorithm
- Dolev's Algorithm
- Doo-Sabin subdivision surface
- Duff's Device
- Dyck Language
- Earley Parser
- Edmonds-Karp Algorithm
- Euclid's Algorithm
- Fagin's Theorem
- Faugère F5 algorithm
- Fiat-Shamir Heuristic
- Fibonacci Heap
- Fisher-Yates shuffle
- Fletcher's Checksum
- Floyd's Algorithm
- Floyd-Steinberg dithering
- Flynn Taxonomy
- Ford-Fulkerson Algorithm
- Fortune's Algorithm
- Fox's Algorithm
- Fredkin gate
- Friedberg-Muchnik Theorem
- Fürer's algorithm
- Gabbay's separation theorem
- Gabow's Algorithm
- Gal's Accurate Tables
- Gale-Church Algorithm
- Gale-Shapley algorithm
- Gilbert-Johnson-Keerthi Algorithm
- Girard's Paradox
- Girvan-Newman Algorithm
- Givens rotation
- Glushkov Automata
- Goldreich-Goldwasser-Halevi scheme
- Gomory-Hu Tree
- Gordon–Newell theorem
- Gosper's Hack
- Gosper's Hypergeometric Algorithm
- Gosper's Loop Detection Algorithm
- Gouraud shading
- Graham Scan
- Graham-Denning Model
- Gram–Schmidt process
- Gray codes
- Greibach Normal Form
- Grover's Algorithm
- Grzegorczyk hierarchy
- Guruswami-Sudan Algorithm
- Gustafson's Law
- Hamming code
- Hamming distance
- Hennessy-Milner Logic
- Herlihy's wait-free hierarchy
- Hirschberg's Algorithm
- Hoare logic
- Holevo's Theorem
- Holland's schema theorem
- Hong-Kung bound
- Hopcroft-Karp Algorithm
- Hopfield net
- Horn clauses
- Householder transformation
- Huet's Zipper
- Hunt-McIlroy Algorithm
- Iliffe vector
- Immerman–Szelepcsényi theorem
- Jackson network
- Jackson's theorem
- Jaro-Winkler distance
- Jefferson's Time Warp
- Jelinek-Mercer smoothing
- Jensen's Device
- Johnson's Algorithm
- Kabsch Algorithm
- Kadane's Algorithm
- Kahan Summation Algorithm
- Kannan's Theorem
- Karatsuba Algorithm
- Karger's Algorithm
- Karmarkar's algorithm
- Karnaugh map
- Karp reduction
- Karp-Flatt metric
- Karp-Lipton Theorem
- Kernighan-Lin algorithm
- Kirkpatrick-Seidel Algorithm
- Kleene Closure
- Kleene Plus
- Kleene Star
- Kleene–Rosser Paradox
- Kneser-Ney smoothing
- Knuth Shuffle
- Knuth-Morris-Pratt Algorithm
- Koenig Lookup
- Kohonen Algorithm
- Kolmogorov complexity
- Koomey's Law
- Kosaraju's Algorithm
- Krapchenko's Adder
- Kruskal's Algorithm
- Kung-Leiserson systolic array
- Kuroda Normal Form
- Ladner's Theorem
- Lamport's Bakery Algorithm
- Lamport's Clock
- Lamport's Hash
- Lee-Seung algorithm
- Lehmer random number generator
- Lehmer's GCD Algorithm
- Lempel-Ziv-Welch compression
- Levenshtein automaton
- Levenshtein distance
- Levin reduction
- Liang-Barsky algorithm
- Lin-Kernighan Heuristic
- Linde-Buzo-Gray algorithm
- Ling adders
- Liskov's Substitution Principle
- Lloyd's algorithm
- Luhn Algorithm
- Luleå Algorithm
- Maekawa's Algorithm
- Mahaney's Theorem
- Manning algorithm
- Marzullo algorithm
- McFarling-style branch predictor
- Mead-Conway Rules
- Mealy machine
- Mellor-Crummey and Scott lock
- Merkle–Damgård construction
- Metropolis-Hastings algorithm
- Miller-Rabin Primality Test
- Minsky-Fenichel-Yochelson Algorithm
- Montgomery reduction
- Moore machine
- Moore's Law
- Morgensen-Scott encoding
- Möller-Trumbore algorithm
- Nagle's algorithm
- Nassi-Shneiderman diagram
- Needham-Schroeder Protocol
- Needleman-Wunsch Algorithm
- Neuman-Stubblebine Protocol
- Nevill-Manning algorithm
- Nick's Class
- Nisan's Generator
- Otway-Rees Protocol
- Peterson's Algorithm
- Petrick's method
- Phong shading
- Plotkin's Sticky Bit
- Pollaczek–Khinchine formula
- Pollard's Kangaroo Algorithm
- Popek-Goldberg virtualization requirements
- Post's correspondence problem
- Postel's Law
- Prim's Algorithm
- Prüfer Coding
- Prüfer Sequence
- Quines
- Quine-McLuskey algorithm
- Rabin's Information Dispersal Algorithm
- Rabin-Karp Algorithm
- Rader-Brenner Algorithm
- Radovic-Hagersten lock
- Raymond's Algorithm
- Reed-Solomon correction code
- Ricart-Agrawala Algorithm
- Rice's Theorem
- Rice-Shapiro Theorem
- Risch Algorithm
- Rivest-Shamir-Adleman Algorithm
- Ruppert's Algorithm
- Savitch's Theorem
- Schensted Algorithm
- Schlick's approximation
- Schoof's Algorithm
- Schreier-Sims Algorithm
- Sethi-Ullman Algorithm
- Shamir's Secret Sharing Scheme
- Shamos-Hoey Algorithm
- Shor's Algorithm
- Sipser–Lautemann theorem
- Smith's Algorithm
- Smith-Waterman algorithm
- Solomonoff-Levin distribution
- Steensgaard's Algorithm
- Stehlé-Zimmermann algorithm
- Steinhaus-Johnson-Trotter algorithm
- Strassen's Algorithm
- Suurballe's Algorithm
- Tarjan's Algorithm
- Tarjan's Dynamic Tree
- Tarjan's Least Common Ancestors Algorithm
- Thompson Automata
- Timsort
- Toda's theorem
- Todd–Coxeter algorithm
- Tomasulo's Algorithm
- Tonelli-Shanks Algorithm
- Toom-Cook Algorithm
- Turing Degree
- Turing Machines
- Ukkonen's Algorithm
- Valiant-Vazirani Theorem
- Van Jacobson Channels
- Van Wijngaarden Grammars
- Verhoeff Algorithm
- Viola-Jones face detection
- Volder's algorithm
- Von Neumann architecture
- Wagner-Fischer Algorithm
- Wallace Multiplier
- Wallace tree
- Warnsdorff's Algorithm
- Winograd's Algorithm
- Witten-Bell smoothing
- Wu's Line Algorithm
- Wu-Manber Algorithm
- Wyllie's List Ranking
- Yao's Principle
- Yeh's Algorithm
- Zhu-Takaoka Algorithm
- Zimmermann-Sassaman key-signing protocol
- Zobrist hashing