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A series of 32-bit microcontroller unit from Espressif, the successor to their ESP8266.


The ESP32-S3 is a fantastic little update to the classic ESP32. Some notes:

  • Powering via 5V USB is recommended.
  • Voltage on GPIO47 and GPIO48 is only 1.8 (VSPI), unlike the other pins (3.3, VDD).
  • There are no default I2C pins. All GPIOs can be used with either of the two controllers with no penalty.
  • Some devkits require the two RGB pads to be shorted before their WS2812 RGB LED can be used
    • I suspect this is because the WS2812 can damage the eyes if looked at directly? Unsure.
    • Version 1.0 of the DevKitC had the WS2812 on IO48; Version 1.1 has it on IO38.

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