Check out my first novel, midnight's simulacra!

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Date Name Thumbnail Size Description Versions
05:16, 22 June 2024 Frontplate-leds.jpg (file) 313 KB COB LEDs in the AMOLED 1
05:08, 22 June 2024 Printingstation.jpg (file) 347 KB My 3d printing station 1
04:59, 22 June 2024 Megaprint.png (file) 298 KB Printing a top case for an Arduino Mega2560 1
04:36, 22 June 2024 Usbmicroa.jpeg (file) 5 KB USB-µA breakout board. 1
04:32, 22 June 2024 1x8p.jpg (file) 23 KB 1x8P 2.54mm Dupont crimp connector housing 1
04:22, 22 June 2024 Airmon1.jpg (file) 135 KB Air monitor phase 1 1
21:13, 8 March 2024 Resume.pdf (file) 97 KB Update for leaving Microsoft. 12
08:00, 4 March 2024 Self-publishing and nuclear secrets.pdf (file) 114 KB   1
08:36, 28 December 2023 Midnightsimulacracover.jpg (file) 5.59 MB Hardback cover for Midnight's Simulacra 1
04:15, 28 December 2023 Dijkstra.jpg (file) 46 KB edsgar dijkstra is watching you 1
12:22, 5 December 2023 07-SSKRunHighway-HC-300.jpg (file) 3.82 MB the difference between me and you is that i am not on fire 1
12:19, 5 December 2023 06-DYK-Zoo-HC-300.jpg (file) 3.55 MB a mathematical theory of communication 1
12:18, 5 December 2023 20-OrianaCab-HC-300.jpg (file) 3.57 MB le dieu du carnage (god of carnage) 1
12:18, 5 December 2023 15-DeveshTurtle-HC-300.jpg (file) 3.61 MB leviathan 1
12:17, 5 December 2023 11-OZCoffee-Redux-HC-300.jpg (file) 3.58 MB le plaisir du texte (the pleasure of the text) 1
12:17, 5 December 2023 02-MLB-Drinking-HC-300.jpg (file) 3.39 MB angle of repose 1
12:16, 5 December 2023 10-Greg-OwningIt-HC-300.jpg (file) 3.66 MB the picture of dorian gray 1
12:16, 5 December 2023 13-SSK MLBStressTable-HC-300.jpg (file) 3.45 MB unfair arguments with existence 1
12:15, 5 December 2023 16-ElevatorWarhead-HC-300.jpg (file) 3.3 MB war in the age of intelligent machines 1
12:15, 5 December 2023 04-AT-CrossingStreet-HC-300.jpg (file) 3.63 MB to the lighthouse 1
12:14, 5 December 2023 11-SSKErikaLab-HC-300.jpg (file) 3.74 MB a dream of fair to middling women 1
12:13, 5 December 2023 09-Erica-Arguing-HC-300.jpg (file) 3.72 MB le sens du combat (the art of struggle) 1
12:12, 5 December 2023 05-Cloud-SSK-PhishLot-HC-300.jpg (file) 3.56 MB their eyes were watching god 1
12:11, 5 December 2023 08-VCT-Gaming-HC-300.jpg (file) 3.57 MB fanged noumena 1
12:10, 5 December 2023 05-SSK MLBVanLeer-HC-300.jpg (file) 3.48 MB le rouge et le noir (the red and the black) 1
12:09, 5 December 2023 07-AO MLB-HC-300.jpg (file) 3.56 MB a clockwork orange 1
12:03, 5 December 2023 06-SSKPostItGirl-HC-300.jpg (file) 3.48 MB the yellow wallpaper 1
12:03, 5 December 2023 03-DC-Party-HC-300.jpg (file) 3.79 MB without MSG i am nothing 1
12:02, 5 December 2023 04-SSK MLBInDorm-HC-300.jpg (file) 3.41 MB the age of innocence 1
12:01, 5 December 2023 03-MLBCompCubicle-HC-300.jpg (file) 2.96 MB the thirst for annihilation 1
12:00, 5 December 2023 02-SSKSign-HC-300.jpg (file) 3.75 MB mémoires d’outre-tombe (memoirs from beyond the grave) 1
12:00, 5 December 2023 01-TeddieJodie-HC-300.jpg (file) 3.22 MB jenseits von gut und böse (beyond good and evil) 1
11:58, 5 December 2023 01-SSK-Trashcan-HC-300y.jpg (file) 3.39 MB cien años de soledad (one hundred years of solitude) 1
05:13, 14 October 2023 Ghostbusters-TaB.png (file) 812 KB TaB in Ghostbusters (1984). 1
20:45, 24 September 2023 Tex-2.png (file) 65 KB   1
10:43, 11 June 2023 Voltage-grafana.png (file) 304 KB   1
16:23, 2 June 2023 Discordia1-1.jpg (file) 481 KB Discordia-1 side view. 1
16:22, 2 June 2023 Discordia1-5.jpg (file) 276 KB Discordia-1 side view 1
16:22, 2 June 2023 Discorda1-4.jpg (file) 370 KB Rack front door open, half of drive trays not yet filled. 1
16:21, 2 June 2023 Discordia1-2.jpg (file) 362 KB Discordia-1 top label. 1
16:19, 2 June 2023 Discordia1-3.jpg (file) 440 KB Discordia-1 with rack door closed. 1
18:46, 22 May 2023 Tabclear.jpg (file) 485 KB A rare 12oz of TaB Clear 1
16:17, 4 May 2023 Uring 0.png (file) 181 KB Donald Hunter's nifty io_uring diagram from []. 1
08:14, 22 April 2023 Black - Fast Linux Networking 2023.pdf (file) 1.85 MB (most of) a talk I gave to Microsoft Orbital 2023-02-03 about DPDK and XDP. 1
00:27, 12 March 2023 Racksolo.jpg (file) 1.8 MB   1
00:22, 12 March 2023 Penguinrack.jpg (file) 381 KB   1
00:20, 12 March 2023 Rackpower.png (file) 877 KB Power draws via grafana. 1
03:15, 13 February 2023 60minutes-tab.jpg (file) 45 KB delicious TaB 1
15:02, 22 January 2023 Netfilter-packet-flow.svg.png (file) 300 KB The Diagram, now with XDP 1
19:17, 8 January 2023 LSA.png (file) 49 KB POVRay lysergamide 1
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